Talk comments

This is the fourth time I attend the already famous Laura Morillo's Powerpoint Karaoke and as always, I had so muuuuuch fun.
Powerpoint Karaoke might seem something easy to prepare, but she always prepare the best and craziest slides, she also gives a really nice touch with the introduction, closing, and comments.
It would not be the same without her.

Very useful for me as I work remotely. Will share some of the learning with my team :)

Karina Guzmán at 12:22 on 1 Oct 2018

Una charla muy vistosa y entretenida que ha hecho muy interesante aprender sobre fractales.

Si tenéis un rato, miradla cuando publiquen el vídeo, merece la pena. Me gustó la combinación de pragmastismo, coña y información útil.

Cuando organiceis el meetup "kubernetes deprecated" avisad :?

Good overview about the current state of Serverless.

Interesting talk that makes you think ;)
Good debates about SOLID and code smells.

El workshop me dio muy buenos tips en como preparar una talk, tecnica o no. Muy interesante.

La charla, el ritmo y la forma de comunicar de Meritxell me parecieron increibles.
Gracias por compartir tu experiencia y muy acertados los globos.

Jose Armesto at 08:31 on 1 Oct 2018

Nice overview on the current state of FaaS, with lots of references to tools and books. Would've been perfect if he showed some real code examples from their company!
My biggest issue with the talk is that it was hard to focus on the content of the talk having an incredible handsome speaker.

Jose Armesto at 08:28 on 1 Oct 2018

I've seem Dimitris in other talks so I was really looking forward to his talk! But I believe the introduction took way too much time. I also was expecting I deeper look into CRDs and the Operator pattern.