Talk comments

Jose Armesto at 08:23 on 1 Oct 2018

Interesting way of connecting different ways of expressing code quality.

aleix at 01:11 on 1 Oct 2018

aleix at 01:10 on 1 Oct 2018

Good so far, but slow down the speech speed. At some point you were rushing and it was hard to follow. If it's not possible in the timeframe, just remove configured examples.

aleix at 01:07 on 1 Oct 2018

The talk opened a good debate at the end. It helped people shares their concerns in a safe space.

aleix at 01:05 on 1 Oct 2018

Meanwhile is good to have the "connecting the dots" instead of giving the response, I would like to get into different levels.

Class, component & system cohesion and cupling. Not only code level

aleix at 01:02 on 1 Oct 2018

Keep doing open space x)

aleix at 01:02 on 1 Oct 2018

El workshop me ha ayudado a ver qué las presentaciones se pueden hacer mejor. A la mitad me he perdido un poco y falta contenido al final. Con un poco más de tiempo, 3h de workshop por ejemplo, sería ideal.

aleix at 01:00 on 1 Oct 2018

Better than expected. I didn't know about Jenkins X and I got the main idea. Looking forward to use it

Sergio Ferraz at 18:40 on 30 Sep 2018

Good and new solution for an old problem!