Very knowledgeable speaker! Great talk!
Great talk! I loved the comparison of the tools out there based on experience on actual real projects. Brilliant!
Great speaker! Great talk!
Absolutely brilliant!
Spectacular talk on areas of focus for a holistic approach to intentionally delivering quality software.
So good. Very solid story teller and great content. Thanks for the talk.
Great reminders of what makes quality software, how to work in an environment of trust, how diversity is important because it actually improves our quality, and more. And, as always, dynamic and engaging!
Sara's technical deep knowledge shined on this talk! The talk was enjoyable with some good humor sprinkled in, the content and topics covered were taught in a clear and understandable way, the code examples made the learning much easier, and her internals insights were intriguing to hear. Excellent talk!
Omni did a great job bringing humor, personality, and perspective into refactoring pieces off a large application. His preparation showed, and the talk flowed smoothly. The pace was good, the content was relevant, the technical depth was just right, and the delivery was very enjoyable. He was brutally honest that refactoring is really hard, but provided excellent tips and shared wisdom to making the process successful. Great talk!
Here are some points that come mind about your talk:
- You're warm, personable, and you invite listening.
- You're socially observant and aware. That's a useful skill set among people who build software that is undervalued.
- Good use of Incorporating recent personal experiences to introduce and develop your topic.
- You put the talk in terms of ‘engineering’, which is probably a good context for this audience.
- Good use of culteral references (e.g. characters from the ‘The Office’ tv-series ) to highlight different approaches to interacting with coworkers.
- Could have wrapped up a little sooner. You acknowledge that given the opportunity that you like to talk ( a natural inclination for extroverts). Use that self-knowledge to be a little more concise.