Talk comments

Good talk about e-commerce projects, great speaker :)

Great subject, bad presentation. Reading slides isn't worthy of an international conference. You gys needed much, much more preparation.

That being said, I look forward to the success of API platform!

David, you're a great speaker, but I was disappointed for two reasons:

- The presentation was too long
- It should had been called "the 12-factor app"

Apart from that, I liked the architecture perspective, except that I missed a relationship with the rest of the talk.

Funny speaker, bad timing. I wish the conference rooms had walkie talkies to avoid starting this talk too early.

Great speaker, but I was expecting more than a reinterpretation of the Symfony documentation. Maybe examples from customer cases?

Very touching. Happy birthday Symfony!

The community should be thankful for Kevin's work on API Platform, that's an amazing piece of code to solve a common web problem. Having to decipher his English is really something I can do, and really nothing compared to listening from a great community contributor.