he Symfony Live Conference 2014 is a unique opportunity to meet the Symfony community. Enterprise open source software users and developers from all over the place, come together to talk with the Symfony team, share their experiences with the framework, gain new skills and aspire to the next level.

Wednesday 29th October 2014

Introduction to Symfony2
Workshop by Lukas Sadzik (1 hour)

Introduction to Symfony2

Going further with Symfony2
Workshop by Andreas Hucks (9 hour)

Going further with Symfony2

Symfony2 Forms in der Praxis
Workshop by Bernhard Schussek (9 hour)

Symfony2 Forms in der Praxis

Web Services with Symfony2
Workshop by Paul Seiffert, Tim Glabisch (9 hour)

Web Services with Symfony2

Workshop by Frank Stelzer (9 hour)


Thursday 30th October 2014

09:00 Keynote
Keynote by Jeffrey A. "jam" McGuire in Sixt (1 hour)


10:00 Feature Flags mit Symfony
Talk by Benjamin Eberlei in Sixt (1 hour)

Feature Flags mit Symfony

Dockerizing Symfony applications
Talk by Dennis Benkert in SensioLabs (1 hour)

Dockerizing Symfony applications

11:15 Einführung in REST mit Symfony2
Talk by Lukas Kahwe Smith in Sixt (1 hour)

Einführung in REST mit Symfony2

Composer im Unternehmensalltag
Talk by Stephan Hochdörfer in SensioLabs (1 hour)

Composer im Unternehmensalltag

…denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun
Talk by Christian Schaefer in Sixt (1 hour)

…denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun

E-Commerce in schnell mit Symfony2 und Elasticsearch
Talk by Thorsten Rinne in SensioLabs (1 hour)

E-Commerce in schnell mit Symfony2 und Elasticsearch

15:00 Silex: From micro to full-stack
Talk by Dustin Whittle in Sixt (1 hour)

Silex: From micro to full-stack

The road to Continuous Deployment
Talk by Bastian Hofmann in SensioLabs (1 hour)

The road to Continuous Deployment

16:30 The Twelve-Factor App
Talk by David Zuelke in Sixt (1 hour)

The Twelve-Factor App

Solr für Volltext-Suche oder gleich als Datanbank Engine
Talk by Frank Neff in SensioLabs (1 hour)

Solr für Volltext-Suche oder gleich als Datanbank Engine

Friday 31st October 2014

09:00 Developing People
Keynote by Rowan Merewood in Sixt (1 hour)

Developing People

10:00 Bessere Symfony Controller bauen
Talk by Benjamin Eberlei in Sixt (1 hour)

Bessere Symfony Controller bauen

Microservices effizient einsetzen: Asynchronität & Generatoren
Talk by Nils Adermann in SensioLabs (1 hour)

Microservices effizient einsetzen: Asynchronität & Generatoren

11:15 Symfony2 Content Management in 50 Minuten
Talk by David Buchmann in Sixt (1 hour)

Symfony2 Content Management in 50 Minuten

Life on the edge between AngularJS and Symfony2
Talk by Armen Mkrtchyan in SensioLabs (1 hour)

Life on the edge between AngularJS and Symfony2

Ember.js und Symfony auf einer Seite
Talk by Paul Seiffert in Sixt (1 hour)

Ember.js und Symfony auf einer Seite

Trotz legacy Datenbank zu neu modellierter Software
Talk by Philip Washington Sorst, Pierluigi Meloni in SensioLabs (1 hour)

Trotz legacy Datenbank zu neu modellierter Software

15:00 Symfony2 Plugin für PhpStorm
Talk by Daniel in Sixt (1 hour)

Symfony2 Plugin für PhpStorm

Scaling PHP
Talk by Dustin Whittle in SensioLabs (1 hour)

Scaling PHP

16:30 There is a Bundle for that
Talk by Lukas Kahwe Smith in Sixt (1 hour)

There is a Bundle for that

Leadership in der Softwareentwicklung
Talk by Johann-Peter Hartmann in SensioLabs (1 hour)

Leadership in der Softwareentwicklung