The SymfonyLive Conference 2015 is a unique opportunity to meet the Symfony community. Enterprise open source software users and developers from all over the place, come together to talk with the Symfony team, share their experiences with the framework, gain new skills and aspire to the next level.

Tuesday 13th October 2015

Introduction to Symfony
Workshop by Lukas Sadzik (6 hour)

Introduction to Symfony

REST Services with Symfony
Workshop by Tim Glabisch (6 hour)

REST Services with Symfony

Plug 'n Play Packages with Puli
Workshop by Bernhard Schussek (6 hour)

Plug 'n Play Packages with Puli

Towards Symfony3
Workshop by Andreas Hucks (6 hour)

Towards Symfony3

Symfony Best Practices
Workshop by Hugo Hamon (6 hour)

Symfony Best Practices

Wednesday 14th October 2015

Introduction to Docker
Workshop by Frank Stelzer (6 hour)

Introduction to Docker

Going Further With Symfony2
Workshop by Hugo Hamon (6 hour)

Going Further With Symfony2

Mastering Symfony2 Forms
Workshop by Bernhard Schussek (6 hour)

Mastering Symfony2 Forms

Profiling PHP
Workshop by Fabien Potencier (6 hour)

Profiling PHP

Functional Testing in Symfony
Workshop by Benjamin Eberlei (6 hour)

Functional Testing in Symfony

Thursday 15th October 2015

The Path to Symfony 3.0
Keynote by Fabien Potencier in Sixt (1 hour)

The Path to Symfony 3.0

Outsource your CMS: Drupal 8 as a drop-in content engine
Talk by Campbell Vertesi, Jeffrey A. "jam" McGuire in Sixt (45 minutes)

Outsource your CMS: Drupal 8 as a drop-in content engine

Die Dokumentation Braucht Dich!
Talk by Christian Flothmann in Blackfire (45 minutes)

Die Dokumentation Braucht Dich!

11:30 Decomposing Packages
Talk by Beau Simensen in Sixt (45 minutes)

Decomposing Packages

Concurrency Control richtig implementieren mit Doctrine
Talk by Tobias Schultze in Blackfire (45 minutes)

Concurrency Control richtig implementieren mit Doctrine

14:00 Microservices: Klein aber oho!
Talk by Stephan Hochdörfer in Sixt (45 minutes)

Microservices: Klein aber oho!

Eine skalierbare und erweiterbare Produktsuche
Talk by Benjamin Cremer in Blackfire (45 minutes)

Eine skalierbare und erweiterbare Produktsuche

15:00 Wie man sich auf PHP 7 vorbereitet
Talk by Sebastian Bergmann in Sixt (45 minutes)

Wie man sich auf PHP 7 vorbereitet

Growing your Filesystem
Talk by Frank de Jonge in Blackfire (45 minutes)

Growing your Filesystem

16:15 The quest for global design principles
Talk by Matthias Noback in Sixt (45 minutes)

The quest for global design principles

Doctrine 2: To Use or Not to Use
Talk by Benjamin Eberlei in Blackfire (45 minutes)

Doctrine 2: To Use or Not to Use

Friday 16th October 2015

09:00 Fix Your Company Culture
Keynote by Johann-Peter Hartmann in Sixt (1 hour)

Fix Your Company Culture

Puli: Die nächste Revolution
Talk by Bernhard Schussek in Sixt (45 minutes)

Puli: Die nächste Revolution

HTTP/2.0 101 Introduction
Talk by Bastian Hofmann in Blackfire (45 minutes)

HTTP/2.0 101 Introduction

13:30 Robuste und Skalierbare Anwendungen durch Verteilte Systeme
Talk by Ole Michaelis in Sixt (45 minutes)

Robuste und Skalierbare Anwendungen durch Verteilte Systeme

Sulu and the other guys - Wie Sulu mit anderen Applikationen zusammen spielt
Talk by Johannes Moser in Blackfire (45 minutes)

Sulu and the other guys - Wie Sulu mit anderen Applikationen zusammen spielt

14:00 Hello, PSR-7!
Talk by Beau Simensen in Sixt (45 minutes)

Hello, PSR-7!

Kubernetes: Wie mit Containern arbeitet
Talk by Per Bernhardt in Blackfire (45 minutes)

Kubernetes: Wie mit Containern arbeitet

15:00 Wir brauchen Rockstars, keine Band!
Talk by Christian Schaefer in Sixt (45 minutes)

Wir brauchen Rockstars, keine Band!

Let's automate stuff with Ansible
Talk by Sebastian Göttschkes in Blackfire (45 minutes)

Let's automate stuff with Ansible

16:15 Hexagonal architecture - Message-Oriented Software Design
Talk by Matthias Noback in Sixt (45 minutes)

Hexagonal architecture - Message-Oriented Software Design

Working with a single, scary, big VCS repository
Talk by Benjamin Eberlei in Blackfire (45 minutes)

Working with a single, scary, big VCS repository