Very great information, tips, and strategies with regards to how to handle and implement code reviews with your team. It is clear David is speaking from a lot of experience on the topic.
Great keynote. The humor along with the compelling story made this a fun and informative session.
Many great ideas and easy ways to improve speed on sites and already made some of the changes to our site.
Great information that I can use with my team as soon as I get back to the office.
Interesting topic and perspective presented on focusing on the mobile design first and adding elements as screen real estate allows. Personally, I had a hard time staying engaged since it focused a lot on front end, but it was interesting none-the-less.
Very interesting to see this unique strategy for making you web application perform great without even having to depend on things like Varnish and ESI. Stefan and Arne also presented in a very fun and engaging style.
Great keynote. Fun, engaging, crazy and the wonders of start up success.
Very helpful for all of us that are new to git.