Talk comments

Miro Svrtan at 18:55 on 7 Oct 2017

Cool story, great topic but I'm not 100% sure if the example covered in the talk was the actual case study of the project they are working on (wasnt clear on that) which made me think there are some things missing (or are being misrepresented).

Slides were bit misorganized, having facts in bottom right corner which were hard to notice. Speaker had his back turned towards the audience most of the time but for a first time conference speaker did his job pretty good, I hope he will find the will to continuosly share his experience with us in the years to come!

Barbara Eržen at 18:55 on 7 Oct 2017

Very interesting perspective on cultural differences and their effect

Barbara Eržen at 18:54 on 7 Oct 2017

Good introduction to the very large project with lots of possibilities

Barbara Eržen at 18:52 on 7 Oct 2017

Very nice presentation, useful informations, fun.

Miro Svrtan at 18:50 on 7 Oct 2017

Talk is worth hearing, has great takeways and reminders how we as developers can ruin others people beauty sleep ;)

Speaker on the other hand was visibly nervous and not 100% prepared :( There was noticable 'aaaaa','hmmmm' and got lost on more than few occasions, as it was his first time speaking on a conference I gave him an extra star as a credit that I hope will be repaid on next years WebCamp with doing another talk.

Very interesting and beautifully presented talk. I gained some new insights about the importance of brand consistency.