Talk comments

Janez Čadež at 12:53 on 11 Oct 2019

Pretty slides, great UX examples, in-depth review of design concepts. Good job.

Ivan Čurić at 12:51 on 11 Oct 2019

Not really engaging. Presentation was given with a lot of info at face value without any references.

The slides had a pretty "90s IT humor" with Office clip art and anthropomorphized objects. The company promotion was also pretty in-your-face.

Pretty tacky overall.

Ivan Čurić at 12:43 on 11 Oct 2019

Live coding, elm, comedy and an ukelele. Nuff said

Ivan Čurić at 12:42 on 11 Oct 2019

A super relevant topic, brilliantly presented

As always, a pleasant talk with good real-life story. Shame that there was no time for more questions.

Excellent talk and even better speaker. Great to hear advices based on years of targeted personal growth.

Great speaker, really relevant topic and fresh approach.
I hope to see Merlin on Dump Days 2020 since community and audience there would really enjoy this or similar topic :)

Topic is very relevant, plenty of actionable advise, presentation profesional. Worthy of the keynote.