It's a lot of information to cover at one time. But your presentation went through them pretty well. More people could have done the tutorials had the requirements (Apache, MySQL, etc.) were disclosed ahead of time. That would have been very helpful. By the time I had downloaded my IDE, the session was over.
Good job. Learned a lot
Excellent talk, really exited about ZF2 now :)
Excellent excellent talk!! Both Evan and Rob have done a great job of doing an overview of ZF2 and getting me excited about it.
The only thing I would suggest is that perhaps next time have users setup their example sites before they arrive. Some attendees had troubles setting up their vhosts, etc. and got left behind a bit.
Glad it wasn't a step-by-step "type this into your editor" session. This format actually made us think.
Great tutorial.
Great tutorial. Enjoyed learning about ZF2/
Great tutorial.
Glad it wasn't a step-by-step "type this into your editor" session. This format actually made us think.
Great Talk