Talk comments

College flashbacks, yet with quite different presentation. Well done!

Outstanding. Highly entertaining and informative. Will give me a lot of things to think about going forward

Excellent overview of the basic principles and tools the speaker recommends/uses for building a continuous delivery pipeline. The only thing I felt was missing was a simple demo of the pipeline process, were adding a new commit would trigger the CD process described in the talk. The talk content was a bit abstract by necessity as the composition of the pipeline will differ based needs of each project, but a fully working bare-bones example would go a long way to reinforcing the process outlined in the slides.

If you're stuck with a crappy PHP codebase and you're sick of fighting it every day, you've come to the right place! The book this talk was sourced from (Modernizing Legacy Applications in PHP) has become the essential resource I lean on when approaching legacy application upgrades. Even though I had used the book prior to seeing the talk, having the speaker walk us through the process step by step really helped hammer home the point that deliberately small, incremental improvements add up over time to modernize your application in-place, and gives you the necessary tools to get started right away.

Going into this talk I had no idea what MAXOS was, but I left with a clear understanding of the overarching concepts and some details of specific tools used to build the various pipelines. Overall it was an excellent, well-paced talk jammed full of information but at the same time didn't leave me feeling overloaded. Kudos!

Bang on! Meat and potatoes of building highly-scalable, reddit-hug-proofed web clusters for PHP apps. Years of Evan's experience optimizing huge real-world systems distilled down to 45 minutes of rules and best practices - pure gold! Thank you!

Hell yeah! Energetic, informative, well-structured, to-the-point presentation of different async approaches and best practices in php world.

That's how you're supposed to do talks! :-)

Good job Jeremy!

Here be grumpy comment... grrrrr ....

Seriously - great intro into WAT.
If you're not doing it already, start today.

And get Chris' book while you're at it!