Talk comments

Miro Svrtan at 14:22 on 16 Feb 2018

Only times I noticed Robert being nervous was when he had short brakes telling us he was nervous :) , it's so nice to see you confident on the outside just need to work on the inner confidence.

Pace was good, neither slow nor fast, slides were just right.

I have few small suggestions for the code on the slides:
- put suffixes to class names (instead of UpdatePriceAction call it UpdatePriceActionController, UpdateProductPriceCommand instead of UpdateProductPrice so it would be more clear to the audience what class represents)
- use Money instead of doubles for price hints (or at least integers) so people avoid floating point round-off errors
- I would not suggest using Entities in commands, as handler could change the values inside and controller/service sending the command would be aware of it -> they reference same instance

Miro Svrtan at 14:06 on 16 Feb 2018

I know it's hard to both show code, type and talk so thank you for being pretty good at juggling it all.

I think there are much better subjects/examples to show the signals usage then 'updating progress bar' in CLI, I wasnt 100% clear on what would I use them exactly for in my work.

For next time, please zoom in the code so we can actually see the code (it's really easy to zoom in when using PHPStorm on Mac with a touchpad).

Miro Svrtan at 14:02 on 16 Feb 2018

Nice teaser about mutation testing, but I would love to hear a full talk on the subject.

Thank you for being brave enough to step up and 'lets hack something in 5 minutes to show'!

Miro Svrtan at 14:00 on 16 Feb 2018

Well Zoran, I applaude you for 'lets fill this empty slot' but you have shown nothing :(

Maybe it would be better if you put a concept around 'did you know you can deploy using GitLab' and explain in 2 minutes it can be done without any usage of laptop then trying to jump out left and right which was confusing to follow.

Also, you do know there is a zoom on Mac ? :) It was hard to see whats happening when it was all in such a small font.

Miro Svrtan at 13:57 on 16 Feb 2018

I think this is a brilliant topic for lightning talks, maybe my only suggestion is if you have more to show to do a series of it (or if you get enough content it would be nice to hear it as a full blown talk).

Good presentation skills, nothing really to 'suggest' to improve!

Great speaker and quite informative talk