Doctrine 2: An Introduction


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Great overview but as I experienced in earlier talks today, I could do with less of the history and (even) more of the technique. Apart from that, very enjoyable!

Good introduction to Doctrine2, thanks.

At times a bit hard to follow due to the speed of your voice. But you gave the talk with great motivation and gave compelling arguments to use ORM. I'll give it a go based on your talk. :-)

It put me thinking. Thats good

That was the real basics of Doctrine2, although I was expecting more examples and less speech about Doctrine1 and/or ORMs history. But I guess it served the purpose.

Maybe a bit more about Doctrine 2 and a little less about other ORM's in the past, but a very nice introduction to Doctrine 2 nonetheless.

The feature overview was very informative and, as others have said, the history wasn't so much. Not that it wasn't nice to know, but with only so little time I would have rather heard about what you used it for and what you found working/not working, rather than silly propel ;-)

You spoke quite fast, especially at the start. Maybe it was the nerves or that you wanted to tell so much in so little time. It wasn't too fast, but it may be something to pay attention to.

You handled all the questions really well (and the blackouts). I enjoyed myself and learned enough about Doctrine to use it for my next personal project. Thanks!

The overview of the other orm's wasn't really that informative. Would be great if the talk focused more on the practice. It was presented very well.

Anonymous at 23:50 on 28 Jan 2012

Good presentation, funny photo's, but the history of Doctrine should be left out and more focus on Doctrine2. Data migration wasn't even in it while I hear a lot of positive things about it with Doctrine2!

I would've loved to see more about how Doctrine2 operates, what the key of its success is and some code examples. That would make me think about switching from Propel even more.
If it wasn't for the interesting Doctrine2 talk I still would attend your talk because of your style of presenting.

Be sure to bring a non-Windows notebook next time. Just in case some Propel-users turn up again ;-) hehe

Thanks for the intro about Doctrine, it really inspires me to start using it!

This sums it up: Great overview but as I experienced in earlier talks today, I could do with less of the history and (even) more of the technique. Apart from that, very enjoyable!

Your enthousiasm was great and inspiring!

Well done, you really got me enthusiastic about this ORM :)

Real good presentation. It was quite an enlightenment. Having a java background, I already knew the principles w/o realizing it and I didn't get bored. Dynamic and interesting. Keep up the good work.