Talk comments

If you are thinking about mentoring, this is the talk for you! Elizabeth talked about what different levels of people need from a mentor (e.g. beginners need a lot, etc) and also how to handle being a mentor and having patience.

Anonymous at 10:59 on 9 Nov 2012

The topic was great, and the slides were well organized, but it seemed that the delivery was not well-organized. Still, some really great information in there, and the discussion was a lot of fun.

For someone who's not gone far into contributing back to open source, this talk was very informative as to how to get started correctly.

Laura gave a great overview on how to work with others. She was also able to give examples on how to deal with different situations that may crop up.

This was a great talk with great advice. Laura was able to describe how to first contribute to open source projects and what you can expect going into it.

Good detail. Most interesting to me was the part at the end about HTTP 2.0.

Cal was able to effectively demonstrate how easy it is to build a basic API with Silex. It was great seeing Composer being discussed as well as RESTful API techniques.

Keith did a great job describing ways to find out what bugs your app has and of those which should be fixed first. His presentation also gave a great look into opensource development and some of the hardships that opensource projects tend to face (primarily the lack of funds and slow development times).

I enjoyed this talk. Going into it, I assumed Laura would be going over a specific deployment strategy, but was pleasantly surprised when she gave a high-level view into deployment. She was able to give us great advice based on her own experience as well.