Talk comments

Valuable introduction to memcached. I possibly would have benefitted more from a more generic "techniques for caching" or "caching systems comparison" talk, but this certainly made memcached much more approachable.

Very informative. I would agree that this could be expanded into a tutorial session with some specific use cases.

Was very happy with this workshop. I had been using custom build-once manual evaluation testing scripts in the past, but am convinced PHPUnit is the way to go.

Installed PHPUnit today and will start transitioning my current projects to start using these testing scripts now. If for no other reason I think PHPUnit is worth it to have the code coverage statistics in phploc to let me know what I'm NOT currently testing.

These two tutorial workshops (this and the code review) were much more valuable to me than the several shorter ones from the main conference day.

Was quite happy with my experience. Kinda wish I hadn't anonymized my code so that I would have felt more at ease defending my decisions. However I did try to pick one of my "riskiest" pieces of code specifically to get feedback on it. Stefan touched on the reasoning behind my class and most of the good and bad consequences of my choices without any indication from me as to what I was trying to accomplish.

These two tutorial workshops were much more valuable to me than the several shorter ones from the main conference day.

lots of great information on how OOP can really be leveraged in everyone's PHP projects, got quite a bit of insight! Thanks Stefan!

It was certainly cold inside, but by the 2nd cup of coffee I was alert and on point with seeing and comprehending what Sebastian, Stefan, and Arne were talking about. Great to know that everyone makes similar mistakes in their code, and that we're all human :)

Good demos of xdebug's capabilities and usage, along with how kcachegrind adds value to what xdebug brings to the table.

The sheer complexity (and sometimes lunacy) of timezones was a great eyeopener to start the session with.

Interesting points to ponder when considering secure design and application decisions.

A very practical/pragmatic overview of memcached, presented in Brian's "extensive production experience" way... much more real life runtime experience behind the descriptions and discussions, rather than "theory".