Talk comments

A nice review of the most common criticisms of Zend framework with a pretty well balanced discussion of each. Could have been a little snappier.

I find this topic very important. This talk presented some nice approaches and examples to solving a difficult problem. It would be interesting to build on this and see what are some of the pros and cons of different db setups when working with multiple languages.

Nice talk. Based on real-world examples rather than the hypothetical, which is a nice change. Paul's next talk about searching without the DB was a nice add on to this one.

This talk was well delivered with lots of examples. Nicely showed some differences between code libraries, frameworks, and full content management systems, and how the organization of these projects and dependencies tends to differ. Great discussion of "namespacing" your project files in a pre 5.3 environment.

This was a nice overview of the new features of 5.3. Well structured and well delivered.

Really enjoyed this session. Can't wait to get Solr installed and running. Thanks for providing the install information and all the details on getting this running and thanks for writing the pecl extension.

Anonymous at 22:34 on 12 Mar 2010

I think the talks should be always different from one year to another. The same talk 2 years in a row is not sexy :) especially for those who pay 600 bugs to see the same thing.

Anonymous at 22:33 on 12 Mar 2010

great talk. straight forward very well organized!
thanks Eli!

This talk alone was worth the price of admission.

I was disappointed this talk didn't go deeper with how to test more complex examples. Maybe more complex examples on how to take hard to test code and make it testable since I bet that's how a lot of people would come into testing.