Talk comments

Great examples of how Doctrine 2 is the evolution of Doctrine 1 and how things have changed and why that's a good thing.

Well structured as an intro to DI and why to use it, but the people who are not already using DI might not see the benefits of the DI container or be able to follow the code used to create it, which might turn them off to DI in general.

When you asked if anyone had questions midway through the talk and no one raised their hand, I had the feeling nobody wanted to admit to not being able to follow it. A lot of people seemed to be stirring about, uncomfortable. You went through it a bit fast given the amount of code and complexity, and some of the code colors were hard to see.

I had read the documentation and seen the slides before so I was able to follow, but I know the first time I saw this design pattern and the DI container it threw me for a loop.

As one of the noted who previously relied on SimpleXML, the examples given were great use cases for using XMLReader and XMLWriter. I'll reach for those tools the next time I'm dealing with large XML documents. The in-depth XML details were a bit much since I don't swim in XML all day, but could be beneficial for those who do.

Thanks for the energic talk (one of the most attended of the 2010 conferences)!

Excellent introduction into message queues. A lot of overlap with the talk Felix did on Gearman but also some nice new insights. Nice one

Very clean discussion of the steps that Morgan himself uses when he is handed a database and told to "fix it". As he said, it's about a 15 minute process that he showed us and then went into some ways that you can instrument your website to make diagnosis easier in the future. If any fault could perhaps be had, was that I was expecting it to be a little more tuned towards 'programmers', but instead seemed to more assume that you were already a DB admin, and was giving you tricks to use. A good talk in either case and well worth the time to check it out.

Awesome talk, as always from Rasmus. He stepped through a process of augmenting performance of an application (Wordpress in this case). Including the use of HipHop, with some real serious discussions of when/whether HipHop is for you or not.

As someone who used (and contributed) to Zend Framework over the last year: I found this a very accurate presentation. Stefan and Felix did a very good job of presenting various myths and busting them (or admitting they were plausible). It worked well, and the audience participation kept it moving. Only complaint if any was that it moved a little slowly at times, spending too much time on each item instead of just saying 'busted' and moving on. An excellent presentation overall and recomended to anyone who is considering Zend Framework.

A well presented top-level look at numerous tools that a PHP programmer can use to help themselves. Gave attendees a great starting place of where to go start doing research. Ran a little long at the end and perhaps would have been nice to have given some more specific examples and show usage of the tools. But overall a solid talk I'd recommend anyone attend!