Talk comments

Great talk. It helps me as I am just moving to git.
Would love the slides though!

A bit basic. But then again, I guess that was the point of an introductory talk. Should probably have had a few more graphics in the first part of the talk.

Anonymous at 08:22 on 26 Jul 2013

I would have preferred a focus on one area or another instead of a roam across the lands of versioning. For example, just gitHub because it's such a popular tool right now.

Thanks, Chris! One of the most important aspects of maintaining code :)

Good talk. I would have guessed that everyone who attends things like that would or should be using source control already, but that could be a bad assumption on my part. In any case source control is a vital piece to the development process and git is a great choice. It's rather a deep topic to do anything more than a very brief and shallow introduction in an hour though.

Thank you for this presentation. The content was really informative but in terms of delivery, I think you say the words "y'know" way too much. But all in all awesome talk. Thank you! :)

Coincidentally, I was distracted during Brendan's talk, but I found the Agile process information extremely helpful. I liked his use of diagrams and the variations of diagrams with the same information helped understand the concepts more clearly.