Talk comments

Marat at 13:42 on 22 Apr 2016

Very great talk, a lot of interesting information and a very good discussion in the chat.

The topic is pretty complicated, but the presentation was clear enough especially towards the end. I got a bit monotonous at times, but not enough to lose interest. I've seen and read things about reactphp before but async php is still a topic I haven't researched enough. Icicle seems interesting and I'll be looking more all this after I re-watch the talk a couple more times.

Darryl Hein at 13:36 on 22 Apr 2016

It was a little hard to follow, though got easier at the end. Not sure if it was going to fast that caused it or reading word for word and not taking the time to explain important bits in more detail. But in the end, very complicated stuff so no surprise I don't understand everything in round 1!

Chuck Burgess at 13:35 on 22 Apr 2016

Story approach was hard for me to follow... frequent code examples in slides should help during a follow-up review.

Ethan Heitman at 13:35 on 22 Apr 2016

Enjoyed the talk. Some information I didn't quite get, but it was a good introduction to Icicle. The examples were very useful, especially the final one.

The presentation was a bit dry, but I expect that would get better over time.

Great presentation!

The concept of coroutines seems to be overly complicated, but I think that is just the learning curve switching to asychronous programming. Haven't had any issues following the awaitables and observables parts, forking seems to be very interesting for some of our projects, will have a deeper look into icicle probably :)

Chuck Burgess at 13:32 on 22 Apr 2016

Complicated topic (so I'll have to review slides a few times), but frequent code examples should help with that.

Nick at 13:09 on 22 Apr 2016

It was ok.

Nick at 13:06 on 22 Apr 2016

I thought the theme broke up the talk, and kept me engaged.

I've been seeing chatter about PSR-7 for a while now, it was nice to get an overview and explanation of some of the related ideas (middleware).

I did just want to log onto the IRC and start spamming "middlewares".