Talk comments

Darryl Hein at 12:25 on 22 Apr 2016

Made me more confident and excited to test and try PHP 7!

Joe Compton at 12:24 on 22 Apr 2016

The concept of wrapping the explanation around a story set in zombie apocalypse didn't work for me. Felt like this was a 15 minute talk that was stretched to fit the time.

Unless I missed something - the has a better and clearer explanation:

"A generator allows you to write code that uses foreach to iterate over a set of data without needing to build an array in memory, which may cause you to exceed a memory limit, or require a considerable amount of processing time to generate. Instead, you can write a generator function, which is the same as a normal function, except that instead of returning once, a generator can yield as many times as it needs to in order to provide the values to be iterated over."

Should have spent more time focused on the trade offs of run time versus memory consumption.

Ethan Heitman at 12:22 on 22 Apr 2016

I liked the way the technical information was presented. The explanation of the evolution of code leading up to generators was great.

The zombie apocalypse background-story was novel, but I found it distracting most of the time.

PHP generators, a good topic, but the presentation was different which made it hard to comprehend the details.

Kaj Ström at 11:51 on 22 Apr 2016

Interesting and informative. Provided a solid starting point for further learning on PSR-7.

I only got to half of the talk, but what I saw was excellent, interesting, informative and sparked a discussion and ignited my interest to finally sit down and read the PSR-7 spec. I can't wait to watch the rest when videos go up.

Tough topic to keep interesting, but Rob did a good job with examples and making it relevant. I would have liked to see some more complicated real world examples of several layers of middleware and how they interact more.

Nice overview of Middlewares :D

Would be interested in hearing how PSR-7 is dealt with in frameworks like React, Icicle, and AMPHP.

Joe Compton at 11:11 on 22 Apr 2016

Good overview.

Ethan Heitman at 11:11 on 22 Apr 2016

Especially enjoyed the middleware discussion. Your way of explaining middleware and how PSR-7 requests fit within them was very clear.

In the slide where you explain how the with-methods return a new object there's a typo in your example where you're chaining with-methods; you have a semi-colon at the end of the first line.

Also, thank you for calling people out on "middlewares."