Talk comments

CSS-superstar - Estelle - indeed. i am really glad i attended even if not many shown up.

great presentation, as well as all the others of estelle. thanks!

Very interesting. Would like to get the slides and maybe be able to play with that small app some more.
Twinkie FTW

Nice replacement, great talk. Well explained.

It convinced me to take a look at it. Sencha or JQM... still don't know, but it made a lot more clear to me

I found this highly interesting. I was wondering for the slides. Are they comoing online?

Subject was interesting, only the talk wasn't. When i left at the end, i didn't had a feeling knowing more about it i already knew.

For me, looking at all the presentations, this one scores the least.

Anonymous at 08:55 on 11 Jun 2012

Very informative, good talk.

Anonymous at 08:55 on 11 Jun 2012

Interesting talk, learned a lot of new stuff.