Talk comments

Max Roeleveld at 13:03 on 30 Jun 2017

Excellent and very clear talk about a very important and far-reaching subject.

Very new and progressive stuff. But to many topics for the available time. And the speaker spoke the truth when saying. Don't do live demo's.

Interesting contents, clear future potencial in thus subject, specially if we combine it with AI.
Energetic, enthusiastic and knowlegable speaker.
Not a great impact on my day to day work as a PHP developer though.

Jeroen v.d. Gulik at 12:22 on 30 Jun 2017

Great content, could use a bit better structure and presentation but overall very good talk

Pulkit Swarup at 12:18 on 30 Jun 2017

Quite useful and interesting

Harold Claus at 11:58 on 30 Jun 2017

Very good talk about some new features! Excellent speaker. Thank you.

i was quite unsettled by the long Balr commercial at the start. first 10 minutes was a talk about how great Balr is. i think that's quite inappropriate.

speaker seemed very nervous and was missing some energy to grab the attention.

the talk itself could have used some more in depth knowledge.

QA was good though. i think the speakers do have the knowledge but some more work on the talk and some more practice on public speaking would be advisable.

Jeroen Sen at 11:48 on 30 Jun 2017

First of all I really like ze accent! Secondly the talk was really up to speed and slides were very much supporting. Learned something new and overall very much enjoyed the talk!