good, with some humor
information ok
Interesting talk
What was told was interesting but how it was told can be improved.
Lots and lots of good information. Maximiliano really knows what he's talking about and was able to answer any and all questions.
More time between explaining several concepts to code some stuff and explore the concepts hands on would have been nice.
Good advice! Bit long to concentrate for an hour without slides.
This talk did not work for me at all. The presentation was in no way engaging, which for a keynote without visual support is essential. Content wise, I did not recognise many of the premises on how soft skills are regarded in companies, it sounded more like advice for IBM in the 80s, I can't imagine any 21st century European company operating that way. All in all it felt well meant but not terribly relevant.
The subject is interesting but I found the talk itself boring.
It lacked "energy", it was very monochordic, nothing stoping me from "falling asleep".
People usually can keep focus for 10 to 20 minutes. Then they loose focus. This will always happen, but we can just ignore it and have ppl randomly loose their focus, or we can be in control and break their focus ourselves with a good joke or a funny image or changing the tone of our voice frequently or whatever. The point is that if we can control when they loose focus, we can control when they have focus on the important stuff we want to say.
Enthousiastic speaker, however not having any slides or any form of visual aid make the talk hard to follow/digest. Sometimes I was completly lost about the goal of the talk.
As an attendee I want to learn stuff and be entertained. Since talks should address different knowledge levels, learning new stuff might not always be the case. However providing some entertainment value to make your talk more pleasant, easier to understand and enjoyable is not being done by speech only. Normally I fully support the 'less is more' paradigm, but during this talk it felt unprepared and unstructured. Sorry!
Really liked this tutorial, makes me wan't to start using ES6 for all my javascript code.
Nicely paced, easy to follow along, outlining some very nice features of ES6.
I expected more technical content.
The QA was quite good though.