Talk comments

Very good to motivate developers to think twice, but code once.

Infrastructure testing is something I even didn't ever hear of! Great talk, learned very much from it and I will surely bring it with me in future!

Interesting approach to use to actually do things and decide based on results and not on guessing. Running continuously tests is the way to improve projects.

eine prima einführung, aber ich hatte bei dem titel [A-Z] mehr details und fortgeschrittene sachen erwartet, der talk war wohl eher [A-F]
da ich die basics schon gut kenne war leider wenig neues für mich dabei.

@David You are right about PHPCR, but I had the luxury of deferring to your talk about it later the day which gives me more time to talk about the CouchDB and MongoDB implementations.

a good talk, although i feel it was staying a bit too general for my taste.

but excellent for beginners, or for not-so-technical management people.

well explained, thanks a lot for making the difference between http api and real REST.

+ guter und umfangreicher Einblick zu HTML5
+ viele praktische Demos
+ auf Browserunterschiede eingegangen
+ Roter Faden war in der Regel vorhanden
+ nette und ruhige Vortragsweise (Blick in die Menge, nicht auf den Boden)

- für einen Workshop zu wenig Praxisanteil

Der Vortrag bietet einen guten Überblick über vergangene und aktuelle Entwicklungen und bietet die versprochenen Entscheidungshilfen. Benno Bartels verfügt anscheinend über die nötige Erfahrung, um objektiv berichten zu können. Insgesamt ein sehr guter Vortrag.

Great talk! Very informative, very wide spreaded but: not unfocussed and VERY good overview.

Very competent speaker who really knows what he's talking about and uses good, self-speaking slides which greatly underline what he's talking about.