Talk comments

Great keynote, great presentation - humorous and competent!

...I just need a shark with lasers attached to his head ;)

Besides conent, sharks and lasers: Impressed about the way he made use of his presentation slides

Sehr vollständiger und gut strukturierter Talk zum Thema Unit- und Akzeptanz-Tests für Javascript.

Ich habe mitgenommen, dass ich zuletzt wohl mit veralteten Versionen von QUnit und Selenium gearbeitet habe ;-)

Great Keynote. Possibly the best on the IPC. Never attended one where the speaker changed his slides in the keynote to make it more appropriate :)

best referee I have heard so far at the ipc11; his humor holds the people to the could have been boring theme of hypermedia and REST;

Nice intro and overview.
I missed a live demo, showing the rendering in the browser, and how url handling / routing works.

The speaker was reading the slides most of the time with few free speech. Would have loved to see some more code examples showing the different security issues and their solutions. The important topics were mentioned.

Super unterhaltsamer Talk, der zum Nachdenken anregt.

Ein bisschen ein fader Beigeschmack ist, dass annähernd der gleiche Talk schon auf der Spring-Edition gehalten wurde.

War interessant. Guter Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Dinge

Anonymous at 13:39 on 11 Oct 2011

Learn some nice features that are coming... And will investigate some of those plugins. Great and friendly speaker