Talk comments

Giulio is always a pleasure to be listened.
Great visual introduction to Scrum but probably out of scope as the rest of the time was not enough for all the rest (going faster/without this could have saved time for the rest).
Nice example (the different drawings) for experimenting the estimation, retro and planning.
No mentioning of Planning Phase 2.
Good example of disfunctions due to problems at Planning.

Overall a good intro to Planning, even if quite basic: I would have appreciated to have the level mentioned in the workshop explanation.

As always Brando is a great bet: fun is warranted, risk is part of the game.
This time the result was not amazing: the purpose was unclear, there were no clear solutions to better address similar challenges nor conclusions/hints to avoid to fall into this.
The workshop was funny but a bit to noisy: few more rules (as already pointed out by Brando during the workshop - like giving a max for the effort) an explanation at the beginning (the context, the final purpose, etc) and a conclusion will make it very very nice.
Thanks for it!

A lot of tools in little time to delight people that are parts of a Change. Very valuable.
Given the amount of tools, time ran fast: next time consider to tell people when time is running out (so that they can wrap up) and have some facilitators to help clarifying doubts in the groups.

Very valuable: good introduction and excellent canvas.
Maybe next time consider NOT to share all outcomes of all groups (doing maybe it in turns) to save a bit of time to be spent on the canvas or on anything else you feel useful.

Talking about value can easily descend into tree hugging. However there were quite a few solid point here such as an organization making money to survive and not as a goal; stakeholders dilemmas; metrics as tools and not as targets; hidden agendas.
I appreciate the view that this is not a simple discussion and it's just the start...

on Value

Amusing and well-placed in the last slot where the energy of the attendees is lower. It's difficult to treat this subject without descending into tree hugging, but the humor and the stage presence made it clear.
To improve this presentation I would look into tying in with more concrete examples from software development.

So many metrics at an acceptable cost, with the goal of having a well-oiled development process; for example demonstrating #noestimates with data.
I do not give 5 just because of the sad conclusion: development is the very small blue part of lead time and there's nothing we we able to do to improve the remaining 90% of it.

Never thought of having a board for recruitment, but it's a nice view on how to visualize and improve hiring at a larger scale without sacrificing quality.

The history part gave a good perspective on how we got here. The keynote itself was amusing and the WS-DeathStar slide was a top moment.
However, I felt that the predictions final segment was not cohesive and presented together lots of different concepts without an unifying story.