Talk comments

The talk was interesting, and much needed (despite the fact that not a lot of people get it).

My main critic is that you should have made it clear that you have performed every single one of those migration strategies in production, and you should have said for *each* of them what happened in practice.

Probably "any" smart developer can think of all those migration approaches, and the value of your talk should have been the hindsight you get after trying them.

Very interesting technical talk... even if BitTorrent was not part of the picture.

This was one of my favorite talk at jsDay. It gives me a lot of idea. Very good presentation and timing.

Is javascript server+frontend the right solution? I don't have answer to that question, but it's good to see a real company facing the opportunity of trying new tech solution.

Good speech, unfortunately the technology underneath is at the very beginning so not usable in a context.

Is it Docker good or another layer of complication? At the end of this talk...still with this doubt in mind...

A good presentation of what can be done at low-level with an high level language as JS