Talk comments

Since I am new to Laravel and (back-end) developing in general I found this talk quite interesting. I've heard a lot of useful information!

But I also agree on the nervous voice and a lot of "thank you". But wait... having a nervous voice. Who cares? I think speaking for an audience is something not many people do or can do, because they don't have the courage. It looks like some commenters missed out entirely Matt Staufer's point about empathy, too bad!
Even though I suck at speaking for an audience I would like to say: try to tone your voice, like you are telling a really exciting story, if you know what I mean. Think it will engage your listeners more to what you are saying. Hope this is useful and keep up the good work!

As a freelancer already it's nice to hear other people's journeys and how they got to where they are.
I recognised most of the advice except for contracts, one thing I have never bothered with!

Great job. Jeffrey is a high level entertainer.
Best presentation and never lost the topic.
So let's keep it simple(r):
5 thumbs up

A really nice run through of the various tools available to Laravel Developers.
Some good information on a number of bits I wasn't aware of, a nice addition would be want to do when you outgrow some of them or how they can be better used.

In response to the comment that "Dries ignored the organizer's pleas to come to an end."

I am the organizer and I would like to take full responsibility.

I made a mistake and Dries handled it the right way. I only realized this fact afterwards. I'm very thankful that Dries handled my interruption in the way that he did. He kept a relatively small mistake from becoming a larger one. I'm sorry for the mistake, Dries.

The talk was what I wanted for the program and I look forward to seeing more from you.

Boring topic.
For me it was one of the most interesting talks. Well done, well done.

A really useful introduction to Doctrine, as someone who has wanted to start using Doctrine for some time this course answered loads of my questions and have me a great starting point for working with it.

Anonymous at 00:15 on 27 Aug 2015

Talk as if you're talking in slow motion next time, then it'll actually be just right.

One of the best talks on laraconeu. Great speaker and even better performed live coding.