Talk comments

Anonymous at 00:13 on 27 Aug 2015

Although the topic interests me a lot, it wasn't for laracon. There are plenty of conferences where this topic would have fit much better. The speaker also seemed a bit unprepared. The icons felt as if we were being shown a children's story book.

Obviously the speaker knows what she's talking about, but the execution wasn't quite there yet.

Very informative workshop.
Learned a lot this day.

Missed some code or papers.

One of the few talks I really enjoyed. Full of practical knowledge to use right away. Thanks Lorna!

Anonymous at 00:03 on 27 Aug 2015

Best talk after Jeffrey's. Very relevant to the current line of thought several of the speakers voiced.

Anonymous at 00:02 on 27 Aug 2015

I am sorry for the speaker but I think Laracon doesn't had the proper audience for that kind of contents. Like I told to some people would be nice to have next time some workshops with this kind of contents. Just for people who is interested on that extremely specific topic.

As a suggestion to Esther. Please don't use a slide for almost each word, at least for me was really confusing too many images without more context.

Anonymous at 00:01 on 27 Aug 2015

on Keynote