Talk comments

Mark Starkey at 23:26 on 26 Aug 2015

Great workshop with good examples and phil made the experience fluid and interesting, one small critique but no biggy. Demo pre-requisites should be a bit broader, like needing laravel, socialite and other dependencies pre installed, it would just leave more time for actual learning.

This talk connected with your workshop so well! You have managed to teach me more in the past 3 days than i would have thought possible! Many thanks and keep up the great work!

You don't need that guitar to be a rockstar, i'd say that guitar needs you. Awesome talk with great humor!

Last year your talk was a little overwhelming for those not active in tdd. This year's topic was much easier to follow along and relate. I love how passionate and confident you are about these topics.

I enjoyed this talk a lot, some very funny parts. Also learned some new things about he laws surrounding ethical hacking. There were very few slides though and all the term definitions were not really necessary. If they really are crucial to the presentation, at least put them on their own slide. The overall content was good, but perhaps more suitable on a different type of conference.

I was thinking about giving a 3 to this talk. But I reconsidered it for the difference kind of subject it started with.
Yes, searching what the real meaning of life is can also be found in a job that differs completely from our's.
Hence, it introduced perfectly Spark, as result of what led Taylor to develop it.
A short talk though.
For I would have enjoyed a full hour of his voice.

Good intro for beginners who like to get started with package development.