Very good talk.
A good talk, and working in Empatix I have to agree with you in the importance of empathy! Hardly relevant to the conference, but that is the organizers responsibility I guess...
In parts it was a little disjointed but the subject matter is important and I now know more than I did!
-p FTW!! Enjoyed your enthusiasm for git and the way you introduced the benefits of each command. Good job!
As a manager I'm not happy paying my employees learning how to freelance. Nothing relevant for us wanting to learn laravel. We do not want to pay for this.
I now see Mindfulness everywhere! This talk was on an Important subject and was well delivered
For a dev like me who works solely on his own nice to 'work along' and see others do there thing. Helped a little with my imposter syndrome and also liked the use of the NullObject! Great job, well delivered.
I liked your calm and nice way of talking, very clear and a nicely chosen topic for the conference.. I think a lot of people are struggling with this without really knowing it.. Thanks!!
You are a very compelling speaker! I found your 3 way split an elegant description of the places my projects have been! Nice to have things explained this way. Great job