Talk comments

Entertaining talk that covers the subject well. Could use some examples that are maybe more concrete.

Great content, but the pace was not what I'm used to from Jeff. I know that DDD is not an easy subject to bring and to keep the attention of the audience, I have to say Jeff did a great job.

Next time you're giving this talk, try to either bring more intonation in your voice to emphasise the important parts, or make it less dry by mixing samples with images. All in all, a great talk.

This is one of the best talks I've seen given by Keith… good content, good pace and the right amount of humour. And not the least important, learned a couple of things I thought I knew but didn't. Thanks.

Loved the talk and knowing that you cannot cover everything in 50 minutes, I do think that you could summarise the details on coding conventions and reusable OOP patterns a little more and emphasise on the long-term benefits, because when people don't know where they're going they don't get started.

Lots of good information. Might need some work on fitting it in the time. Would have liked to see the scrutinized demo.

Interesting talk. Material could be better targeted to audience (developers) as most of the concepts would need sign off and implementation higher up the chain.

Solid presentation (no pun intended). Would like to see some code snippets on each slide, though explaining those would reduce the overall # of topics. I arrived a few minutes late and may have missed it, but it would be nice to see this as a workshop which offers bad code examples for each problem and walks through a fix.

Very cool talk full of good stuff, honestly I would have loved this as two sessions, one on refactoring rules, and one on supporting tools

Talk moved a little slowly. Good information was provided but I felt like there could have been more examples covered.