Excellent coverage of the background that lead to REST, providing a solid foundation for what assumptions are embedded in the pattern.
Good talk about the big picture dos and don'ts of the REST API and how it works
I haven't been exposed directly to most of what was discussed yet; it was good to be able to attend the discussion
It's refreshing to hear a talk about mentoring. The tech community has a terrible tendency to say "RTFM" and expect that everyone can easily pick up new technology X just by reading about it. If we all took a little time to help each other out, the community would be better for it.
Great talk, good pace, lots of info. Loved that she have a good amount of resources at the end. I will definitely look into other talks by Samantha.
Interesting content, well presented, intriguing resource links. Might want to reconsider your color choices for colorblind people - e.g., the Cache slide; also blue-on-black.
Excellent talk. Good handling of the weird edge cases that we came up with.
Very informative, well done, loved how speaker tied in videos. Probably just me but would have liked it to tie to PHP specifically.
Great talk. This was as perfectly clear as you can get on licenses without having to pay lawyers.
Contagious enthusiasm about a topic that can often be confusing and deflating. Making people excited about HATEOAS instead of fearing it is the key to making everyone's lives easier, whether they're designing an API or consuming it.