Great explanation of useful tools that help manage not only a team, but personal projects to create efficient work environments. Made me excited to learn Docker and Jenkins!
Excellent talk. I've looked at the profiling feature before but never quite got it. This talked nicely filled in the gaps and now, I totally get how to use it. Thank you Lincoln.
Fast-paced talk that introduced a lot of important topics and provided time for Q&A. It was a good idea to put it first since it provided a foundation for other talks. Thank you for speaking Ben.
Great talk. Good mix of info and humor. The live usability demo was fun to watch and incredibly informative. My only quip is that the beginning of the talk dragged a little. Steve could have moved through it a little faster to get to the demo and allow more Q&A.
One of the best
Amazing presentation! A lot of materials mentioned in this presentation provided insight to the OOP presentation by Bill Sanders and the Web Security presentation by Oscar from php architect as well. I wish there was a prize hand-out or longer Q&A.
Overall Good job Ben!
You mentioned a lot of things that I either haven't heard of I'm not using yet, but should be. It was a little fast paced, but covered a lot.