Talk comments

Anonymous at 14:57 on 5 Aug 2016

Excellent talk, glad everything worked. Plenty of ideas to work on.

Fantastic, well-organized tips for professional development. The personal anecdotes from Steve's own background definitely help highlight both the point and how/why he learned the lesson in the first place.

Tim Lytle at 14:37 on 5 Aug 2016

I'm not sure it's possible to overstate the awesomeness of this talk. Great approachable talk about testing concepts in general and the value of testing software.

Smooth presentation style, confident and humorous. Great talk and speaker.

Chris at 14:03 on 5 Aug 2016

Great presentation. I'm a first time dev and wanted to ensure I was on the right path. After the presentation I felt that I am.

Chris Brown at 14:00 on 5 Aug 2016

Tim brings a wealth of practical experience to his presentations. I appreciated that this was indeed a "toolbox" talk, and gave a demo of a variety of tools to accomplish common goals, along with reasons why each tool/service might be more suitable for various use cases.

The live demos really helped demonstrate the usefulness and meaningfulness of each tool.

Additionally, another valuable component presented was the security risks imposed by using each of these tools, and performance-related considerations to be factored in.

Tim's style is informative, confident, friendly, honest, and candid. Even when some demos met with problems his way of handling them was calm and entertaining and not a distraction from the talk.

Chris at 13:58 on 5 Aug 2016

Thanks Peter for the great presentation. I didn't know anything about Docbook prior to your presentation. I now have a good idea

Anonymous at 13:56 on 5 Aug 2016

Thought provoking, will be looking into tools mentioned.

Anonymous at 13:56 on 5 Aug 2016

Great speaker, great examples, great demo! Well done.

Chris Brown at 13:54 on 5 Aug 2016

This talk has great potential.
As I shared in person, I'd recommend starting with some real-world functional examples, then explain some theory points (such as the various syntax implementations to handle clashes on method/property names etc), and then the slide about "popular objections to traits". These would have more contextual relevance after people have first seen a real practical example.

As to presentation skills, suggest working on catching the use of "um" instead of just a bit of silence.

For a starting example, I suggest starting with a tiny class that "does something" that needs a solution that could be extracted into a trait ... implement the solution without the trait ... then extract it into the trait .... and then show another unrelated class that also needs the same solution, and simply import the trait and demonstrate that the problem is instantly solved. After all that then the theory and alternate syntaxes, and objections, will have some context to understand and would serve more as "advanced tips" instead of being the core content as today's presentation did.

There's great value in bringing knowledge of how to use these tools to a conference audience. I look forward to seeing a future version of this talk.

This was an amazing talk!

First, Eric is a great speaker.

Second, the concepts that he is showcasing are very cool. I love advanced talks like this because it pushes me to listen just to understand.

Now top all of this off with the coolest useless demo I think I've ever seen in any talk. I am a huge fan of useless demos and Eric has made it an artform. Put all of those together in a room and you've got an amazing talk.