Talk comments

Interesting talk, speaker was polite and confident. Well delivered talk and well chosen topic.

Raspberry Pi talk was ok, quite interesting to hear about the story from someone in the foundation.

Stephen Fry was great, very enjoyable and good to hear what he had to say. Hilarious ending!

An enjoyable feel good talk I've seen before, slightly updated (kudos), with funny anecdotes and a strong message showing Alan's passion for the future of computer science for the younger generation.

Anonymous at 11:14 on 20 Aug 2012

The first barcamp talk I've been to that, in retrospect, seemed to require degree level mathematics. No warning whatsoever of the level of content. By the second slide we were using imaginary numbers...

Dozens of slides, each with complex equations deriving the pure maths behind vector space. Not for the average oggcamper. No application of this was discussed in the talk, just the maths that got us there.

I have a degree in maths so I understand the content, but it wasn't interesting. It would go over the heads of anyone who doesn't understand the maths.

The history bits and the story about the Hamilton Bridge were interesting but far too brief. It could have been interesting if you'd have gone in to detail on these rather than the equations.

I hope you go on to give a more interesting talk in future - remember your target audience and prepare the talk with them in mind. Also warn people in advance who the talk is aimed at.

A little disappointed really. The audio quality wasn't very good, the questions required far too much knowledge about the podcasts (except for the ones which were wildly outside the subject area.

The idea was a good one, but I think the execution sadly let it down. It was, perhaps, a little too far outside the "Norm" for both teams of the podcasters.

The "Tux from above" part was funny :)

Is it too much to hope for a "normal" live recording on day two?

Only caught the Stephen Fry part of this. The text on the video wasn't very clear, sadly, but Stephen Fry was very engaging. It would be great to get more content from him :)

Interesting talk about the hardware and reasons for building it.