Congratulations for a succesful live demo and kudos for the bravery. About the talk itself I found it interesting.
The talk was ok, in content and delivery. The interesting part is about when you know of a company like skyscanner and someone offers to tell you about how it runs, what technologies they use, etc; but maybe as a programmer I would have liked to see something more programming/refactoring related
There were some good things in there, like event sourcing, but sorry to say this, I found it long and...quite boring
It was an interesting dissertation, but when the talk ended it left me with an impression that I didnĀ“t know how it applies to the everyday work. I would keep it in mind what it was said though, and would have a second look at any pattern I may use.
Overall the talk was interesting, but I would have liked to hear more about PHP opcodes and bytecodes, and less about how was develop the tool that was used in the discovery proccess
The content of this talk are no easy to follow completely by the common developer who has no experience with internals, but despite that is really interesting to have a look at how things work under the hood
The speaker is amazing. The content itself is about why good design is important, a little too theorical maybe, but really a great talk.
If you have already experience in Hexagonal Architecture you may find this talk a little too basic, but setting that aside it was a good talk well delivered
If you have already experience in Hexagonal Architecture you may find this talk a little too basic, but setting that aside it was a good talk well delivered
It was ok, the delivery maybe a bit plain and the content maybe a bit too simple/introductory