Talk comments

I really enjoyed the intricacies about internal PHP 7 changes, though many found it boring and "an implementation detail". I suppose they've never even opened the Symfony's Request.php file to know how it works under the hood.

I encourage Nikita to make more talks and become a better speaker, so he can share with us more and more of his work.

Marcelo goes beyond the term "speaker" and becomes a "showman" on stage. He gave an inspiring talk with plenty of examples, great slides and funny moments. Managed to get me fully in the subject with little few words. Maybe phpspec videos were too fast to the eye to follow. Thanks!

Despite the early time, Matthias kept the audience interested in a hard topic with his clean explanation and nice slides. I wish more deepness into the command bus were given, and the last question in the QA made me think I'm not alone here. Overall, it's always a pleasure to see Noback in stage. Thanks!

I liked a lot to hear PHP history from the mouth of one of its very creators, the stories and anecdotes around it. More time for new features would've been nice. First time seeing Zeev at stage, a great speaker. Thanks!