Interesting talk and a clear lively speech, good use cases and nice slides. I was expecting more content about feature flags, however.
Nice to see I'm not alone disliking migrations :P
Talk about an interesting but mostly unknown topic. Also the speech was too "academic" in pace and rhythm. Real world cases would have been great. I wish it included more about `Iterator`s and the like. Glad to hear some british accent on stage also.
First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time and giving me your feedback, be it both positive or negative. I'm actually focusing more on the negative comments (3 stars or less) because that's where I can actually improve for the future.
I understand that some members of the audience expected more details on the steps we took to migrate the codebase and now, in hindsight, I think I should have focused more on that part. I tried to pack 6 months of work in around 40 minutes of presentation time and it seems some important items were left out.
A short overview on how we went about it: we identified the only part that could be salvaged, our business logic and we moved that into the BLS connector repository, which was unit tested and pulled in both the Yii and Silex applications. This way, changes to the business logic done for the current application (Yii) will be preserved in the new one and developed according to the new quality standards. The ZF1 app was too broken to actually do something for it. Unfortunately there was nothing else we could salvage so we began to hack and slash the code. That's when we started looking for the new framework and going forward. I think a couple of slides on this decision would have made a world of difference.
If you have more questions, please get in touch over email ([email protected] or [email protected]).
Thank you again for your feedback and have a nice day.
I saw Derick giving two talks in PHPBarcelona 2011, and were probably the best in the whole event, so I expected a bit more from him.
This time, slides were plain, boring, with little text and no detail at all. Content was more than introductory even for me who never had worked with mongo. And speech was quite plain and monotonous.
Maybe he's not as enthusiastic to talk about mongo as he's when talking about xdebug?
Good presentation but too litle detail I expected more explainations.
It was nice as an introduction to how to do RAD + REST in the good way, but it missed the point of how all of this interacts under the hood. Could have been the tip for Symfony developers which already know this libraries.
We're always asking for real world scenarios in talks, and we really got that with this one. I expected more detail in the move from old code to the new one.
It was a good introduction to Gremlin, but kind of lacked PHP focus until the very end, when it came clear when this can be useful. I liked the way it was explained, however, plain and understandable.
Great talk, among the best of the whole event. Good slides (and funny ones too), soon caught my attention in an otherwise plain subject. Every approach was tested and explained deep enought but without useless detail. The speaker and pace was quite joyful, and even showing so many food pics and the closeness of lunch hour, he kept the audience interested. Good job