Talk comments

I expected more concrete stuff about CQRS witout event sourcing (ES wasn't metioned in topic or description for that presentation). Would be nice to see some code examples. But overall it was quite great presentation

Natasha Wylie at 10:26 on 29 Oct 2018

Very thorough workshop and learnt a lot. Thank you to Michał and Dariusz for delivering.

Very nice talk about advantages and disadvantages of JWT tokens. A lot of examples and cases. Very good!

More a soft talk, but very needed and inspiring. And the case with "Water shlafen" (or sth similar) was so real :).

Very nice presentation, a lot of sense of humour.

I learn about Treafik tool, transparent terminal and small font in it is not good idea - command you typed was barely visible

Really funny part of presentation about history of php. Really good to learn as well whatcwe will have in new version of language

Very good presentation, but font of code on slides was to small and hard to follow