phpCE, as the event aimed at a wide group of PHP programmers from Central Europe, leaves Poland for the first time. Stronger than before thanks to the organisers of Brno PHP Conference and volunteers from the Pehapkaři group. Together we have been working for the success of this year’s edition and we are inviting you to Prague. Our Special Guest this year will be Rasmus Lerdorf, the PHP Creator.


Full-Text Search Internals
Workshop by Philipp Krenn
Building Symfony application with Ports and Adapters approach and BDD
Workshop by Michał Pipa, Dariusz Drobisz
Good Project From Scratch
Talk by Pawel Lewtak
Image classification in PHP using neural networks
Talk by Karol Przybyszewski
Profiling PHP
Talk by Sebastian Grodzicki
Contributing to PHP's Core
Talk by Gabriel Caruso
How Doctrine caching can skyrocket your application
Talk by Jachim Coudenys
Refactoring the Domain Guided by Tests
Talk by Pim Elshoff
How to create chatbot in PHP (and why)?
Talk by Adam Matysiak
Docker for "dummies"
Talk by Jakub Kluvánek
Using migrations and fixtures
Talk by Miro Svrtan
JSON API: Možná nepotřebujete GraphQL
Talk by Ondřej Machulda
Minimize the framework and allow yourself some DDD
Talk by Milko Kosturkov
When testing makes no sense
Talk by Miro Svrtan
MONOREPO: How We Started to Save Our Developers Time
Talk by Svatopluk Šimara
Total Recall - The application that never forgets
Talk by Holger Woltersdorf
From Conversation to Software
Talk by Pim Elshoff
Beyond Documentation With OpenAPI
Talk by Boyan Yordanov
Strict programming in PHP
Talk by Gabriel Caruso
Should Shiny JWT Tokens Replace Sessions?
Talk by Grzegorz Skorupa
Serveless PHP applications
Talk by Matthieu Napoli
Cracking passwords, or why use password_hash()
Talk by Michal Špaček
Of representation and interpretation: A unified theory
Talk by Arnout Boks
Closing keynote: “Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.
Keynote by Rafael Dohms