Talk comments

Well Done, Well put together, Lots of food for thought and left me looking to log everything twice

Good Presentation, lot of information squeezed in but it flowed well, Well Done

Very entertaining talk. Well presented, with useful information.

Thanks Thijs

Interesting insight into Symfony CMF, which I'd not covered before.

Well presented, easy to hear & understand talk, with useful, easy to understand information.

Great, talk, Fabrice.

Great to have good points as to why not to do complete rewrites, & then stepped through the important things to consider when updating legacy code. Really useful information.

Very good and entertaining keynote. liked the mannequin structure to tie the different, seperated points you wanted to make together into a nice story.

Very good talk. It's always nice to see how easily you can put a nice "micro-framework" together with a few well architected libraries.

Though title and abstract did not perfectly match the content of the presentation. You may think about not talking about silex so much, which would give you more time to get into more details of how the anatomy of a simfony2 based micro framework is and how stuff works.

Very good session. I liked the way Fabrice incrementally described how to refactor an application and what the pitfalls are.

One thing: for my taste the slides contained too much text (too many bullet points) and too much branding, though that did not diminish the quality of the content at all.