Lots of info, including things I wasn't expecting to learn. Would love for it to be broken up into a set of talks with anecdotes on how some of these were found, as it's clear that the speaker has stumbled across a few of these while consulting. A must-watch for those upgrading to PHP 7.
thanks. entropy library looks really useful.
somehow i didn't get into this talk and didn't feel it met the abstract.
thanks for giving the talk... i found the second half to be more interesting and relevant to me.
Nice talk, presentation style was quite pleasant. Got some nice info from this talk. Quite interesting to see how qandidate/toggle works, I had not worked with that one yet. Despite all the tools, I'm afraid the initial setup of the process is hard, but there's so many tools now that make things easier, and you definitely was able to show the moving parts and the tools. Thanks.
A great talk that offered an interesting thought to start the conference and made me appreciative of the language and community I'm a part of.
Interesting talk, quite a trip down memory lane plus a nice message about community. Thank you.
Great fun as always. The Chinese food was also a big improvement on the usual burgers - nice!
A very nice tutorial covering the theory behind BDD and working through it using "Example Mapping" with post-it notes.
I liked how everything fitted together in terms of workflow from user requirements to using DDD.
Although I liked putting things together in TDD with PhpSpec and Behat, found that could have used a bit more time for that part.
thanks for giving the talk, very interesting.