Good insights of what to watch out for when moving to php 7 and 7.1. A bit dry but I somehow expected it this way.
Wasn't quite what I expected but I still enjoyed it.
Encouraged me to get more involved in Open Source projects and php communities.
Thanks Ben
Would like to see this transformed into a full talk with real site examples of how they fail.
A good general overview of passwords
Ciaran gave a brilliant session. Everything made sense. He led us step by step through the processes and didn't hesitate answering any questions fired at him during the session.
Implementing Behat and PhpSpec seems like a big task for someone with my background but it seems worth it.
Was not really what it said on the tin. However it was interesting and all about community is what makes the language popular.
Really good and useful session. Rob really knows his way around Slim.
Will continue to look into Slim and quite possibly use it to create a number of API's with it.
Excellent overview of the capabilities of AppEngine with some great deep dive stuff on the intricacies of developing against the limits.
Good session - covered lots in the time but still at a understable pace for the room
Very interesting!
The talk down memorylane was interesting and to fun to watch for person who saw most of events mentioned. But for the newer people it was unclear.
As a Keynote it really missed the inspiring punchline.