Interesting talk with clear tips. Will introduce these to my team and enforce them! :)
Last talk but still kept me interested from the first till the last moment. PSR standards are important and the history & thoughts behind PSR-7 were very well presented.
Very inspiring talk, Ramon seemed nervous the day before about how his talked would be receied, and very funny. I loved the array example and their were some interesting insight to change your mindset!
Keynote-worthy, very inspiring and fun talk to see!
Interesting, informative, insightful and at the same time very enjoyable.
And a very good explanation of the (powers of the) filter-map-reduce pattern.
Gave me a bunch of ideas to start putting it into practice myself.
Quite tough information to present in an interesting way, but still some pretty good insights. Good information on the various structures and how to use the array-type with each concept. Surprising results on the benchmarks.
Great presenter with humor and a lot of knowledge with great examples. Definitely some insights to take 'home'!
Nice talk with some new insights (never knew about the naming parameters in preg_match_all...)
I thought this presentation went way to fast, seemed to me she was in a hurry by calling a lot of parameters "blablabla". She did have a lot of knowledge about PHPUnit & Prophecy.
Great ending to a great weekend (loved the host & perfect food). One tip for next year: please make the numbers digital (attached to your ticketnumber?) to prevent waiting/giving everyone a raffle ticket.