Talk comments

Already read your blogpost, so didn't hear a lot of new stuff, but still enjoyed it.
It's a great talk which gives some insights in what extension developers have to deal with.

Good luck with your ghost bug!

As said before, the title is quit confusing.

Besides that, I think the talk was pretty good, nice and clear explanation what Baleen is and how it works.

Nice explanation how circuit breakers work and how they solved of their problems with storing them.

Interesting idea and great explanation how it could be done.
Livestreaming the talk itself only made it more awesome :-)

I heard about Puli a few times, but never really understood what the idea behind it was. In this talk Bernhard explained the concept very well, it was really interesting.
It was a little bit dry, so maybe something could be done with the storyline, have 1 example throughout the whole talk.

Great talk about a very interesting topic. Lots of insights and knowledge nicely presented. I've learnd a whole bunch of things, thank you!

Great topic and as always a great "execution" ;) Very useful 10 tips, I'll definitely take a close look on those while coding. On a side note I'm thinking about lowering the instance variables to max 2, I wonder how that would go (probably me forcing some weird class names to split 3 injections into 2 in one + 1, but I'll see ;) ).

Very inspiring and engaging.

That was my first workshop and I enjoyed it. The theory was presented clear and concise. I think that we (the attendees) would probably be more responsive if not the early hour and sometimes a long ride before ;) The practical part was good, I liked the fact that the task was an outcome of how the theory went in detail at the end. If I may humbly suggest something, I'd think about a ready-to-go environment for the workshop, e.g a vagrant machine. I realize that everybody should be prepared beforehand, but for those who for any reason aren't it would be a great improvement. Summing it up it was a great workshop :)

Quick and concise