Good talk covering practical approaches to problems. Fluent and naturally presented.
Excellent talk, as "newbie" I could follow it perfectly :)
My intention with DDD was not only to convey how useful many DDD principles were when I tackled this project and how they can be applied to small domains like this one - but also how you can actually use a tool like this to migrate your OWN domains by querying them directly (similar to how I showed in the marriage example) instead of resorting to low-level infrastructure APIs.
However that was a by-product of the talk, not really the main focus, so you're right about the title. Thanks for the suggestion Hans: "Migrate everything with Baleen" will probably be the next version of this talk :)
very intresting, find very good patern. will be happy to dig a bit the code
Well thought out talk but would have preferred a little more depth on things like type hinting.
I read the abstract, so I wasn't expecting a technical talk.
Great opening of the Phpbenelux, if there is one thing I took away from it it's that we should work in teams and with the help of the community instead of winning the fight alone :-)
Every time I see Cal speak I walk away inspired, this was no exception.
clear talk, well presented but "Migrate everything with Baleen" would have been a better title for the talk.
It was quite basic, so I didn't pick up anything new - but for new developers it will be very interesting.