Tough stuff when you've barely waken up, but interesting nonetheless. PECL classes I never heard before + examples on how to use it. All in all a good talk.
Somehow I really didn't think of DB migrations when i read "migrate with DDD". I really hope that DVD actually would have been (at least some of) the topic. Instead it turned out to be more of a sales pitch of Baleen. Not that zI will never look into Baleen, but I just expected something totally different...
Never even used doctrine, but this gave a clear view of the new L2 caching and some other intresting subjects we might use in our applications.
Talk was realy inspiring!
Very interesting non-dev talk
Good introduction to Puli but I missed some examples how to use it in 'the real world'.
Wake up call that security is more then only the little piece of software you are writing. Nice talk!
intresting but a bit light for me. but I like it. it was clear. some cool stuff to use. thanks
A quite informative talk on PHP generators, put in a very interesting light - the real world problem that the speaker had solved (tracking cat movement) using generators added a great touch to the presented material. I had fun and learned how to reduce memory footprint using the filter-map-reduce pattern!