Talk comments

Miałem dokładnie takie oczekiwania po temacie i opisie ;) Dzięki Norbert za kawał dobrej prezentacji, podobała mi się energia z jaką prezentowałeś oraz twój flow - też uważam że to jedna z lepszych prezentacji na których byłem.

Really great stuff to hear from Doctrine contributor and I agree witch such domain first approach fully! Thanks!

Great flow of presentation, but I would like to hear about why immutable request are good idea (from presentation I understand that is just overhead most of the time)

Very good introduction into DDD. Solid description of all important part of DDD from Value Objects to Aggregates and event sourcing stuff. I would recommend this course for all senior software developers and/or architects who are interested in DDD.

included true stories from IT :D

Anonymous at 08:48 on 16 Nov 2015

Fajna, merytoryczna prezentacja.