Talk comments

Great presentation, very practical and most certainly provided a lot of value to all the people on the audience.

Insightful and well devlivered.

Pretty good basics, lacked a little bit of examples and/or stories to relate to.

Liked the fact that the presentation didn't just talk about the commands but about when they can be helpful too!

Really interesting and fun presentation about really important topic of software engineering. I adore the diagrams prepared for presentation that pictured and brighten this hard and complex topic.

Awesome talk, slides and code examples it was really good insight about clean architecture in PHP

Brilliant talk by a really great speaker it was pleasure to listen Paweł talk (saw him first on PHPers 2019 in Poznań). Not disappointed at all, would hear it again

Brilliant talk with lot's of code examples and even live demo! Good stuff

It wasn't my first talk by Gabriel and I love him and his attitude. It was good and I learned few things however I would enjoy it more if it was more beefy and technical.

Sg at 19:00 on 17 Nov 2019

PROOPH seems to be - from that presentation - a dying tool. The presenter didn't mention how to handle this problem, how to handle ES in real life or is it even worth it